Monday, July 5, 2010

I think I better........

.....gooooooooo to the movies!!

Despite going to bed so much later than "normal", I'm up and at 'em this morning!

I've heard good, funny (operative word) things about "Knight and Day" so that's the choice and as luck would have it, "Toy Story 3" is showing right before and right after it, so it "feels" like a no-brainer. Don't worry, I'm only slightly tempted to comment that the two movies are like night and day from each other. :)

Yesterday was spent doing basically nothing but fun stuff, just putzing around home and loving every second of it! AND what a joy to go to bed on Sunday night and know I didn't have to go to the office on Monday. Feeling VERY grateful today for the big and not so big things.

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