Saturday, January 15, 2011

Behold the Girls and a Cactus or Two!!

Can't get this heading thingy to work...but you get the idea. No more "Boise, America", but instead....HELLO! Arizona!!

I'm soooooo thankful to be back in Phoenixburg, but sorry to have left my co-workers and friends in Boise.  

By way of an update, I had a chance to come back to Phoenix-IRC, and jumped at it.  I'm really happy and grateful for the opportunity!  More about what I'm doing late, but in the meantime, here's a picture of Bunny (Visnja) and I taken with the first cactus we stopped to pose with. 

We really had a fun time, driving down to Phoenix with a guy, a truck, 2 cats, and....well, I guess that's enough!!  Who knew that a 2 night, 3 day circus could be so cool!!  Wish I had more pictures....will look for those.  In the meantime.....I'm home!!!!
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