HOWEVER, through a series of amazing events, I am headed instead (Yeah!!) to a university within a fast bus ride of Jeonju. It's been a whirlwind, but a wonderful whirlwind. I won't go back and trace my steps to how I got here, surrounded by packing boxes, ready to move, but I will say that I'm one lucky person.
I have four teaching days left and then will move over the weekend, in anticipation of classes starting a week from tomorrow. At this point, my lists have lists of things on my mind, but the future is bright and I'm excited! I've met some great people on campus so far, and can't wait to be part of the English department. It will be fun to blog about everything and all the new "sights and sounds" of my new surroundings.
In the meantime, it has been hotter than hell here and humid to boot. But, by the 15 day forecast, we fall to the 70s by the start of September. OH happy day!! Have not let my movie schedule slip...seeing Wall-E and Dark Knight most recently.
So....that's the BIG update. Can't wait to see what it's like to go from teaching 40 hours a week to maybe 15 hours a week, max. Will love the challenge of working with university students AND the "challenge" of having several months off in the Winter. USA here I come!
(Thanks to www.huffington.com for the picture.)
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